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Why SME's (Small & Medium Enterprises) Needs Online Business Listing

Why SME's (Small & Medium Enterprises) Needs Online Business Listing

In today’s economy, you need not only to be aggressive but also faster and smarter to outperform your competition. Here are the Five Important Facts of Online Business Listing for SME's

Contributed by Chico Mayor

"Where should I invest, SEO or Online Business Listing?" 

It is a good question, right? I've been into I.T. business for many years and time and time again, this question always pop-up, whether from a curious businessman (who is new and trying to micromanage everything in his firm), or a veteran entrepreneur.

This is why I have created this article to answer such a calling, and in here, I have summed up 5 important things you need to know about the usefulness of an Online Business Listings for Small and Medium Business Operators.

Here are some of the FACTS you need to know, why Small and Medium Business Operators, needs to be listed in Online Business Directory:

The Fact of having a Stronger Online Brand Presence (I am sure you wanted this for your business!)

Fact No. 1: Introducing, the Advanced Filtering System!

Thanks to the Advanced Filtering System offered by today's Online Business Directories, it makes life easy for the customer to see and search for a business (locally), because of the relevant contents.

My Recommendation: This is very important. So, sit down, clear your mind and list all important attributes of your company, the product or services you are offering.

Fact No. 2: Free Listing

Some Business operators are surprised to know (mostly found by accident) their company was listed (even though they have never submitted, neither contracted anyone for business listing). This is true because many of the Online Business Directories today are copying information from other Bigger Online Directories.

My Recommendation: Make it official and enlist your business in an Online Business Directory.

Fact No. 3: How come, I am Listed Everywhere?

Online Business Directories oftentimes multiplied by itself. Think of it like a bank Interest. That's why it's very important to check, clean, and update your business listing regularly.

My Recommendation: Take advantage of this online nature! If you're running a small business, then I urged your business to get listed as it will multiply automatically in the coming months and years.

The Fact of being discovered! (Your business, of course!)

Fact No. 1: The Importance of Keywords!

Customer (or Online Users) NEVER search for a specific business name. Instead, they search specifically by typing keywords related, or near to what they are searching. Example: business category, service, location, etc., etc.)

My Recommendation: This is very important and you need to understand why I put stress on the word Contents!

Fact No. 2: Search Engine Suggestions or Recommendations

Please remember that you are not alone in this business! Customers (or Online Users) always receive a suggested list of products or services, relevant to what they are searching.

My Recommendation: Now, maybe you understand why I have to repeat the importance of contents. It is so powerful, it gives you the advantage over the competition!

Fact No. 3: Now, You Are Suggested by the Search Engine

If this happening then, Congratulations! You are doing good! Once your business, product or services is suggested by the search engine, it is because your contents are relevant to what the customer is searching.

My Recommendation: There is a high chance that the wandering customer is exploring your Website! Make sure you are equally updating your website contents, photos, videos and more! This is what you are waiting for, the Opportunity Baby!!

Fact No. 4: An issue of not being visited, neither recommended by the Search Engine.

If you are asking yourself this type of question, then there is something wrong or missing on your Online Business Listing.

My Recommendation: This is serious. Read some of the below mistakes by small and medium business operators on their Online Business Directory Listing:
  1. Their Business, Product or Service is not relevant to the customer
  2. Failure to Update their Online Business Directory Listing
  3. Poorly Written Contents
  4. Limited Products or Services Offered
  5. Company Logo is not Catchy (un-attractive)
  6. Fewer Photos or Uninformative Videos
  7. Photos or Videos are Not Updated
  8. It does not contain Contact Number/s, Email/s, etc.
  9. Not Updated Contact Numbers or Office Address
  10. Not Correct Business Map Location

The Fact of Increase on Brand Reputation (your public image)

Fact No. 1: The Power of Customer Reviews!

The majority of today's Online Business Directories are offering Star Ratings and FREE reviews or recommendations to the public. If you are using multiple platforms for either rating or reviewing your business, then you are doing GREAT! Keep it Up!

My Recommendation: Take Advantage on the FREE service offered by your Online Business Directory Listings. You need to literally remind your present and past customer to either rate your service or write a review on your listing account.

Fact No. 2: Afraid to Get Listed Because of Poor Reviews

It is quite alarming, but most Business Operators are afraid to get listed in any Online Business Directories because of the fear of receiving negative reviews from their customer.

My Recommendation: Perfect service delivery never exists. You cannot fool your customer by promoting NO Bad Reviews, neither NO complaint on your service. A bad review is normal, but make sure it is less than Positive reviews.

Fact No. 3: Public's Trust in Online Reviews

According to the latest observation, people trust online customer reviews more than ever. Online word-of-mouth is a powerful type of Online advertising! It's not only cheaper but, it feels genuine!

My Recommendation: The more platform you are using, and the more reviews the better! Never disregard customer reviews and/or recommendations on your online business listing. Remind your customer to either Rate You or write a Review.

The Fact between SEO (Search Engine Optimization) vs. Online Business Directory Listing

Fact No. 1: Most business operators don't understand the meaning and usefulness of SEO or, Search Engine Optimization is.

This is normal! However, entrepreneurs or business owners who understood the value of it makes their business susceptible to earn more (revenue and good reputation) than others.

My Recommendation: Again, please remember that you are not alone in this business. You need to find a way on how to outperform your competition by making yourself visible. This is how SEO can help you as it will literally increase your rank, and reach at least the first 3 or not 5 pages in an online search engine.

Fact No. 2: The Expectation on Landing the First Page of Google!

Most business operators who are new to SEO are expecting to reach the top pages (an example is Google Search) in a matter of days or weeks.

My Recommendation: It is possible to reach or get on the first page of Google Search (for example), but it can take 2 or 4 months before you can start seeing results.

Fact No. 3: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is more expensive than Online Business Listing.

It is true. We can say that an Online Business Listing is for small and medium business operators, while the SEO is for Medium to Big businesses.

My Recommendation: If you are seriously considering investing in SEO, then I suggest you ask for a consultation.

Fact No. 4: Earn Business Proof or Validation

Both SEO and Online Business Directory Listing help your business to earn validation or proof of business authentication. This means your business is not Fake.

My Recommendation: Get Listed! In today's norm, customers (online users) often look for Validated business operators only.

The Fact of showing up on Google – automatically!

Fact No. 1: Online Business Directories are High Traffic Sites?

The answer is a BIG YES! Why? Because they contain useful contents.

My Recommendation: I may sound like a broken record, but again, I would like to stress the importance of Contents! Contents! Contents!

Fact No. 2: Google Love Contents!

You may be heard this from others, but it is true! Google and other search engine giants LOVE contents!

My Recommendation: So, write something that is authentic and relevant. You do this and you will be appreciated by Google and other search engine giants.

Fact No. 3: What you see on Google came from Online Business Directory Sites.

Maybe you are not aware that on Google Search, and other search engines, the information suggested to you for reading came from a Trusted to several Online Business Directory Sites.

My Recommendation: That is the power of a simple online business directory listing. So, get listed!

Fact No. 4: Get the chance of showing up on the First Page of Google Search - if you are listed!

If your Business is listed in an Online Business Directory, then you have a high chance of showing up on the First Page of Google Search and other search engine giants.

My Recommendation: Get Listed and do not waste time.

Fact No. 5: Most of the small business owners mistake is when they thought that Online Business Directories are useless because it cannot produce a business or revenue.

The truth is, Online Business Directory has a significant value to boost your business in today's competitive environment.

My Recommendation: Avoid listening to this type of people. They will just pull you down (or that maybe their strategy. After all, it's business.)

My recommendations are purely based on my experience. Thank You for Reading and I hope you liked it. 

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